En C# IEqualityComparer nerelerde kullanılıyor Sırları

En C# IEqualityComparer nerelerde kullanılıyor Sırları

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Also it is unclear why GetHashCode takes only value properties into account. Even though it will definitely work but looks a little bit strange. Maybe you should add a comment why class properties

Dayanıklı çok programlama dili ile teknolojisine geniş perspektiften yaklaşarak, yeni kellelayanlardan profesyonellere kadar her seviyeden bireye şayan bağırsakeriklerle donatılmıştır.

If you don't specify this, the compiler infers the type of T to be BaseClass since BaseClassComparer implements IEqualityComparer.

When writing programs in C# with the help of LINQ I have come across the IEqualityComparer generic interface several times. The name conveys the purpose of the interface clearly, still, surprisingly, my first attempts to apply it were marked by strong confusion - the thing merely didn't work the way I wanted it to. Moreover, after going to Google and StackOverflow I have noticed that I'm not the only one to face difficulties with it.

The IEqualityComparer interface supports only equality comparisons. Customization of comparisons for sorting and ordering is provided by the IComparer interface.

If you change your class to implement IEquatable instead, the implementation of Distinct (which will use EqualityComparer.Default which in turn sees your type implements IEquatable and delegates to that) C# IEqualityComparer nedir will work bey you expect.

Where did the pronunciation of the word "kilometer/kilometre" bey "kl OM iter" rather than "KILL o meeter" originate?

If you look at the definition of Distinct there is only one generic type parameter involved (and derece one C# IEqualityComparer nerelerde kullanılıyor TCollection used for input and output collections and one TComparison for the comparer).

So what happens when it comes time to actually deduce the type argument? We have two candidates: Position and BaseClass. C# IEqualityComparer nerelerde kullanılıyor Both satisfy the stated bounds. Position satisfies the first bound because it is identical to the first bound, and satisfies the second bound because it is smaller than the second bound.

I've tried using LINQ SequenceEqual but again as the C# IEqualityComparer Nasıl Kullanılır instances of T are different this returns false;

... the above suggests I should create a custom collection for any T implementing IEquatable. Would a collection like List have some kind of C# IEqualityComparer Temel Özellikleri ve Kullanımı subtle bug in it otherwise?

Basically, using override would mean that you will use your .Equals implementation regardless of whether you are an object or you are PropertySettings. If you use new when you are an object you will use the base .

I have to say, that there are other methods to create an equality comparer with similar functionality. For example, see this article on CodeProject - it demonstrates how to use reflection to obtain and compare property values.

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